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Atharva Pandey Gopherine



Atharva Pandey: Blockchain & Backend Developer 👋

I’m Atharva Pandey, a dynamic technology leader specializing in blockchain and backend development. With a proven track record in leading diverse teams and projects, I’ve been instrumental in delivering innovative solutions in the blockchain space, leveraging my skills as a Generalist and Polyglot.

🚀 Professional Journey

As the CTO of Adguin, I spearheaded the creation of an NFT-based advertising platform, designing scalable, robust solutions from scratch. My career includes impactful roles such as Fractional CTO at Firbond and Senior Software Engineer at Crew3, where I honed my expertise in using technology to drive industry transformation.

I’m deeply passionate about web3 and the decentralized future it heralds. My portfolio showcases projects ranging from peer-to-peer NFT platforms to blockchain protocol optimization, underlining my dedication to technological innovation and excellence.

💻 Core Technical Competencies

  • Programming Languages & Frameworks: Golang, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js
  • Blockchain & Web3: Solidity, Smart Contracts, Ethereum, Web3.js
  • Data Management & Messaging: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Kafka
  • DevOps & Cloud Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS (Amazon Web Services)

🌱 Current Learning Endeavors

  • Delving into advanced blockchain technologies and their broader applications beyond digital currencies.
  • Mastering smart contract development and decentralized application (dApp) design, with a keen interest in Cosmos.
  • Investigating Generative AI use cases in collaboration with LangChain.

🤝 Let’s Connect

I’m open to collaborations or discussions on blockchain, technology, and beyond. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

“Innovating for a decentralized future, one block at a time.”

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